ASB elections are beginning on 10/02/2020 at 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
ASB Cabinet Elections

President – In charge of ALL ASB meetings, plans and prepares an agenda for all ASB meetings, calls special ASB meetings, represents ASB at all school meetings where student representation is appropriate, presides at student body assemblies, establishes and executes ASB goals, work closely with ASB moderator and administrator and meets whenever necessary to establish and maintain the focus and goals of ASB. Must have served a position in the LAST YEAR and be a junior or a senior.

Marie Uygan – Throughout Middle and High School, I’ve prepared myself to serve as President by being class representative through 8th and 9th grade, Spirit Advisor in 10th grade, and ASB Cabinet Liaison in 11th. In all of my past experiences in ASB it was required to publicly speak, create fun events, and be a voice of the students to the staff; all of which are important traits a President must have. Finally reaching my senior year, I intend to take all the knowledge and experience I have from past years and put that towards making this the best school year we could have in a global pandemic.

Klara Matuszewska – Hi, my name is Klara Matuszewska and I am a senior at Ribet. I am relatively new to this school and Ribet’s ASB since I only joined last year, therefore I think would be able to bring a breath of fresh air to the school and offer ideas that might have not been present in previous years as President.Throughout my entire high school career I have always held positions in the Student Body, being class representative in my school back in Poland as well as taking part in ASB last year at Ribet; this is why I believe that I am definitely qualified to take the role of Ribet’s ASB President.

Vice President – Serves as ASB President if the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties, assists ASB President with his/her responsibilities, communicates regularly with club Presidents and monitors club activity, assists ASB moderator with ASB election procedures, including the counting of ballots. Must have served a position in the LAST YEAR and be a junior or a senior.

Amber Malik – I believe I would be a good candidate for Vice President, because I have been involved in ASB since 9th grade and have held different positions throughout the years. I will be hard-working, responsible, and communicate with my fellow cabinet members to make sure we are all on the same page and we have all of the events planned out ahead of time.

Jhony Weihao Ye – As a candidate, I have a well-rounded understanding of my fellow classmates. I have the ability to acknowledge the resources we need to develop a sense of community. I have been involved academically and extracurricularly all throughout my high school career, thus I had the chance to engage with the majority of Ribét Academy students and personnel. I will hear your concerns, complaints and ideas in order to make this year a better experience for the student body.

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